Are there any doors in the room where you are right now?

Do you know where they lead?

Do they lead to tomorrow?

Or simply a different bit of today?

I have some surprising news. In the last few seconds, while you were distracted by my words, some joker has graffitied a number onto one of those doors. The number, say, one.

You jump up. You go to the door and you open it and it is your second shock of the day - because behind the door I have appeared. And I look extraordinarily like a reindeer.


It is shocking. I am magnificent. I am a master of disguise. A real life reindeer. A female reindeer. You know this, for I have horns and at this time of year, only the females have horns upon their heads. You stare in wonder.

But at the same time, this is your place.

Not the reindeer’s.

You must show it who’s boss.

You stare her down.

But she seems undeterred.

Maybe it is because she is so jolly. Although she is utterly alone, with no reindeer friends by her side, she is really really jolly. See how she frolics.

Look again.


It is mysterious.

What makes her so jolly?

Maybe it is because you have opened the door and she has seen your face.

Maybe it is because you have opened the door and she can escape.

But whatever happens next, the door is now open and it cannot be closed again in our lifetimes.

These are the rules.

You did very well!
