I invite you to applaud with all your actual hands the beautiful pieces made for Oddvent by the following artists:

December 1 :
MISTLETOE : Gemma Brockis with photography by Rowan Spray
December 2 :
A SHEEP : Lucy Ellinson
December 3 :
A DRUM : Simon Kane
December 4 :
AN ANGEL : Jamie Wood & Wendy Hubbard
December 5 :
REINDEER LICHEN : Shamira Turner with Tom Lyall & Lottie Davies
December 6 :
BAUBLES : Tai Shani
December 7 :
BELLS : Lewis Gibson
December 8 :
KOKOSMAKRONEN : Hannah Ringham
December 9 :
A CRICKET : Anna Frisch, Susan Williamson & Ernesto Estruch
December 10 :
A CANDLE : Miriam Gould & Suzanne Dietz
December 11 :
A SNOWFLAKE : Neil Bennun
December 12 :
LIGHTS : Greg McLaren
December 13 :
A YULE LOG : Julia Masli with music by Tom Penn
December 14 :
AN ORANGE : Jo Bowis and a photograph of an orange by Rowan Spray with a bit extra by Andrew Poppet
December 15 :
A STAR : Eugénie Pastor
December 16 :
A POMEGRANATE : Melody Tamiz with Liam Burke
December 17 :
COPPER WIRE : Geneva Foster Gluck
December 18 :
A ROCKET : Amber Rose Sealey
December 19 :
A SPINNING TOP : Serena Bobowski, Kay Elizabeth, Danny Keane, Susanne Dietz, Nico Dietz
December 20 :
December 21 :
A GIFT : Kate Hargreaves with radio support from Leon Barker (set up), Natalia Maus, Max Ringham, Rama Gabeshi (sounds)
December 22 :
A SNOWMAN : Silvia Mercuriali & Peter Arnold
December 23 :
A TREE : Lottie Davies & Melanie Wilson
December 24 :
MOTHER AND CHILD : Yusra Warsama
SILENCE : Kazuko Hohki & Andy Cox with support from Clive Bell & Nao Nagai

I thank them all for their collaboration from the bottom of my Christmassy spirit.

The Oddvent Calendar was created, curated, designed and directed by me : Gemma Brockis. With artistic and moral support from Sam Booth.
Administration in the Oddvent office from Adam Gregory.
